Sunday, August 06, 2006

The North Devon Show 2nd August The Horses and Shires

Now I've never liked riding horses, I've always found it very unfair to them and disrespectful for the animal. These horses were stunning and it's the first time I've ever seen them in this context. Each one took it in their stride, as it was the most normal thing to do (they could teach the cows and sheep a thing or two!)

The one of the left, I think, is called Ziggy. They come from a small hamlet called Chittlehampton, near South Molton which is Exmoor way and they help out on the farm, ploughing the fields - which was once the only manner of transpot used on farms.

I am always in awe of these gentle giants. I stood up close to run and stroked his muzzle and he looked me in the eye and gave a smile! They are seriously beautiful and I want one!


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